
How to Plan Content for a Digital Product Launch

September 27, 2023

Hey, I'm carolinE!
Made with fresh ink and a baby (or two!) at my side. 

Content to inspire creative educators, aspiring OBMs, and working mamas (I see you!). 

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10 FAQ about launching digital products
7 steps to launch a digital product
my journey to becoming an obm for creatives
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A successful product launch requires planning and preparation. Leading up to your launch, the goal is to start generating buzz around your product – but that doesn’t just entail posting to social media a few times before launch day. We don’t want to just push our product out – we want to prepare our audience, introduce them to the product and *fingers crossed* retain them post-purchase. Having a well-structured launch plan to follow helps in maximizing your reach, increasing your audience (and customer!) engagement, and ultimately driving revenue (isn’t that what we all want?!).

In this blog post, I will tell you my main tips for how to plan your content for a digital product launch!

Have a Content Planning System

Make sure you have a content planning system that works for you! I personally use Trello for my content planning and break down my goals 3 months at a time (30, 60, 90 days out). It is helpful to pick a launch date for your product and work backward on what your content goals are leading up to that date.

Utilizing a plan like this allows you to have a clear vision of the type of content you need to create (important dates, specific topics, etc.) and when you should be posting it.

Follow Your Content Pillars

First off, what is a content pillar? Content Pillars are three to five topics your brand will consistently discuss, amplify, and create content for on social media!

I keep my core content pillars in mind when planning and creating my weekly content. For example, my content pillars are Digital Product and Launching Education, Personal Branding Photography, Business Marketing Tips, and Motherhood. My weekly content goals are to Educate, Inspire, Engage, Entertain, Promote, and Relate to my audience on a personal level!

Define Your Marketing Platforms

It is important to define where you are showing up to market your business. Having an evergreen marketing strategy is just as important as having a social media marketing strategy. As we all know, social media platforms could disappear tomorrow, so while the trends are fun, it’s not the most reliable marketing strategy. You can follow your content pillars and goals across multiple marketing channels. For my personal business, I think blogging to my website, nurturing my email list, and showing up on Instagram serve my audience best!

Repurpose Your Content

This is a big one! There is no need to reinvent the wheel and create new content for every single one of your marketing platforms. Repurpose your content across multiple channels. Turn a blog post into a shortened email newsletter and point them to the full blog post on your website (hello SEO!). Take a fun, trending reel and turn it into a blog post that goes into more detail on an educational topic for your audience. There are so many ways you can repurpose content in your business. If you don’t have a blog up or an email list yet, start today! Grab content you have already put up on social media and turn it into a blog post!

Are You Ready to Launch a Digital Product, Course, or Coaching Program?

Click HERE to join the waitlist for Launches Made Easy launching November 2023! 🚀 This is for Entrepreneurs ready to plan, prep, and launch a digital product, course, or program. Ditch the overwhelm and learn how to scale your business with passive income! Launches Made Easy will provide you with a launch process and the toolkit & templates you need to execute your genius idea into a product that finally makes you money!

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hey friend!

I'm Caroline!

I'm an Integrator and Coach for Entrepreneurs who want to launch and scale the education side of their business (aka your Biz Bestie!)

When I'm not making launch dreams come true, I am a Wife and Boy Mama x2, and it's the greatest title I've ever been given. I am extremely passionate about diversifying your revenue by launching digital products, courses, and coaching programs, so that you aren't missing out on precious time with your family that you'll never get back.

I love making friends and helping my fellow creatives, so let's be friends - reach out and say hey!

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