
8 Main Points to Include on a Converting Sales Page

September 20, 2023

Hey, I'm carolinE!
Made with fresh ink and a baby (or two!) at my side. 

Content to inspire creative educators, aspiring OBMs, and working mamas (I see you!). 

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When it comes to converting your audience into customers, your sales page is key. It is your best opportunity and their one-stop shop to buy the resource you are offering. The goal of a sales page is to inform your audience about WHAT you are selling, WHY you are selling it, and why they NEED to buy it. Throughout this blog, I will show you the 8 most important points to include on your next high-converting sales page!

8 Main Points to Include on a Converting Sales Page

1. Connect with your audience and grab their attention with your offer promise!

The end goal here is to sell your product – but you can’t do that if you don’t know who you’re selling to! Once you identify your audience, you’ll want to begin this section with a relatable intro statement as your header. This helps to define your ideal client and empathize with the pain point your resource will help them resolve!

2. Overview of your Digital Product Resource

Now that you have their attention, you’ll want to tell them more about what you are promising to provide them. Use a series of 3-5 statements or offer promises to show your audience what your resource will do for them.

3. What is Included in Your Offer?

Be transparent! Break down your resource and let them know EXACTLY what they will get. You should include a description of each module or weekly topic and an overview of what will be covered.

4. Testimonials/Social Proof

Show them the impact! Providing a real-life testimonial from someone you have coached 1-1 on your resource topic or a previous student, etc. helps give you more credibility. People can feel a connection to real-life stories and results.

5. Investment Details

CLEARLY state the pricing details on your sales page. Be sure to include if there are payment plan options available. Transparency is everything – would you want to purchase something before knowing how much it costs?!

6. Why they need it

Think ‘big picture’! We want to share what your audience will learn from your resource and the major takeaways and lessons they will learn by purchasing it! Your resource could be a game changer for their business, and they NEED to know that!

7. About the Educator

Let’s show them who they are buying from and what makes YOU credible (because you are!). You can include an inviting and warm headshot and a bio that focuses on building trust and credibility with your audience.

8. Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t leave them wondering! Make sure you answer any questions your audience may have about the resource, the format, what’s included who it is and ISN’T for, policies on refunds, and whether they have access to you, etc.!


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Click here to join the waitlist for Launches Made Easy launching November 2023! 🚀 This is for Entrepreneurs ready to plan, prep, and launch a digital product, course, or program. Ditch the overwhelm and learn how to scale your business with passive income! Launches Made Easy will provide you with a launch process and the toolkit & templates you need to execute your genius idea into a product that finally makes you money!

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I'm Caroline!

I'm an Integrator and Coach for Entrepreneurs who want to launch and scale the education side of their business (aka your Biz Bestie!)

When I'm not making launch dreams come true, I am a Wife and Boy Mama x2, and it's the greatest title I've ever been given. I am extremely passionate about diversifying your revenue by launching digital products, courses, and coaching programs, so that you aren't missing out on precious time with your family that you'll never get back.

I love making friends and helping my fellow creatives, so let's be friends - reach out and say hey!

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