
7 Steps to Launch a Digital Product

September 5, 2023

Hey, I'm carolinE!
Made with fresh ink and a baby (or two!) at my side. 

Content to inspire creative educators, aspiring OBMs, and working mamas (I see you!). 

On the blog
10 FAQ about launching digital products
7 steps to launch a digital product
my journey to becoming an obm for creatives
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First off, just START!!

Launching a digital product might sound intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! Just starting is often the hardest part. From downloadable PDF guides, bundles of tools and templates, courses, webinars, or masterclasses – digital products are intangible resources that share knowledge and skills with others through online channels. Did you know that by 2025 digital products are estimated to be a 300-billion-dollar industry?! Now that is something we can all get behind! Let me walk you through the 7 exact steps to launch a digital product!

Here are the 7 steps I follow to create & launch a digital product:

1. Brainstorm Digital Product Ideas & Topics: This should be something you can provide value on AND something your audience needs & wants!

2. Conduct Market Research: Post various topics on your social media platforms to gauge what your audience is most interested in learning from you!

3. Freebie/Opt-in: Once your topic is nailed down, create a freebie related to the topic that your audience can download to get on your email list (Don’t overthink it, but make sure it provides great value)! Don’t forget to nurture your email list as it grows!

4. Planning Process: Start planning out your digital product! Is it a PDF download, a course, or a coaching program? What’s included? What will be covered? When do you want to launch? What does it cost? Outline everything to have a clear vision and plan when you begin to create!

5. Prepping Process: Create your digital product! This tends to be the most overwhelming step for creatives, so break everything down SO SIMPLE, and take it one part at a time! This includes the content creation, copywriting, setting up + the backend tech, your launch plan + graphics, etc! Be sure you’re still SHOWING UP during this part! Take your audience BTS of everything you’re doing.

6. Launch Process: YOU DID IT! Launch week is here! SHOW UP on your social media platform, send your sales sequence emails, celebrate wins, create a sense of urgency to join/buy from you, and HAVE FUN!

7. Post-Launch Plan: Once someone has purchased a digital product from you, continue to show up! Nurture them & check in with them! How are they liking your product? Can you help them with anything else? Love on the community you have built

Are you ready to launch a digital product?

Are you ready to launch a digital product but overwhelmed by it all?! I’m here to be your virtual launch coach and assistant to make your launch dreams come true! Grab my free ultimate launch checklist HERE to get started today!

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hey friend!

I'm Caroline!

I'm an Integrator and Coach for Entrepreneurs who want to launch and scale the education side of their business (aka your Biz Bestie!)

When I'm not making launch dreams come true, I am a Wife and Boy Mama x2, and it's the greatest title I've ever been given. I am extremely passionate about diversifying your revenue by launching digital products, courses, and coaching programs, so that you aren't missing out on precious time with your family that you'll never get back.

I love making friends and helping my fellow creatives, so let's be friends - reach out and say hey!

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