The biggest project I have ever worked on for my creative business is officially LIVE! Say hello to MY NEW WEBSITE! I seriously would be popping champagne if I wasn’t expecting baby #2, so my signature mocktail will have to do 🥂 There is so much that has gone on behind-the-scenes on this project, and this is the perfect time to share my full journey that has led me to where I am today!

My Personal Story
To give some backstory, this wasn’t just a rebrand or new website for me. There’s SO much more behind it. I left the corporate world in 2020 after recently getting married, and honestly had no solid plan. I started dabbling into a side hustle photography business, and was starting to see consistent bookings, but to be honest, not enough to straight up QUIT my job. But I loved it so much. I felt like I had finally discovered what they mean by “Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life”. One day my husband came home and said “Put in your notice, and just go for it. We will figure it out.” (Not sure if it was the honeymoon phase or what, but the greatest husband ever, right?! 😂)
The rest is history. Sort of.
I hit the ground running with my photography business and met so many incredible people along the way. During peak season (even with embarrassingly low pricing, but hey, we all start somewhere), I was seeing so much success. I just knew I made the right decision.
Fast forward 4 months later, we found out we were moving 8+ hours away (possibly even out of the country). Leaving behind everything I had built over the last year. I didn’t know what to do at this point. Did I make a mistake? I was pregnant with our first baby, there was a possibility my husband would deploy, and we had no family or friend support around us.
My dad always told me “if there’s a will, there’s a way”, and I have held onto that my entire life. I knew I would figure it out – I always did before, right?
We moved the Summer of 2021, and I began offering Virtual Assistant services to other creatives that I had formed relationships with over the last year. Why not? I was already doing this just for fun for my biz besties! As much as I loved photography, I equally loved doing the creative work on the backend that is required to run a creative business. I fully immersed myself into learning all there is to know about managing and growing a creative business, all on my own. Trial and error. YouTube videos. Reading blogs. Podcasts. Following industry experts. You name it, I did it.
I completely fell in love with the VA/OBM side of the creative world, and have offered just about every service there is to determine exactly what I’m best at and where my passion lies. It’s Creative Educators – they have my heart!
My Rebrand
There were so many twists and turns over the last almost 3 years in business, and I wanted my rebrand to fully represent ME, my clients, and the business I was growing. I wanted it to represent exactly how much I love and value each client I have the opportunity to work with and where I was headed. This wasn’t something I wanted to rush, and I knew the exact people I wanted to work with on this project, even if it meant waiting until that was possible.
Step 1: Group Coaching Program
The first step I took was joining Laylee Emadi’s group coaching program, The Creative Educator Academy. Ultimately, I knew this was the path I wanted to take, and I wanted to be sure I was fully equipped to step into the education space (first as an OBM, second as an educator for creatives). I made the investment to learn from one of the industry’s BEST. I’ll never forget the clarity and purpose Laylee spoke to me one afternoon on a 1-1 strategy call. Sometimes you just need someone else’s perspective to fully comprehend the value you provide to other people.
Step 2: Brand Design
Soon after, I began working closely with Jordan of J. Ashley Innovations on my rebrand design. THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN. This isn’t playing around with some fun Canva designs that look like everyone else who DIY’d it… This is the REAL DEAL that every creative business owner should invest in! There is so much purpose behind each element to my brand design, and it brings me such joy to look at! It 100% represents where I started, where I am today, and where I’m headed.
Step 3: Website Copy
Once my rebrand design was finished, I got on Jenny Roth Copywriting’s calendar to begin the copy for my website. I consider myself to be a good writer and could have done this myself, but I didn’t want to take that option. That’s not what this project was about. Working with Jenny was one of the most freeing experiences I’ve had as a business owner. To literally just brain dump EVERYTHING to Jenny, and have her turn it into words that truly are from my heart was priceless.
Step 4: Updated Brand Photos
I’m still absolutely OBSESSED with my Personal Branding Photos I did with Savannah Kay Photography in Charleston. They really show my personality and love for the Lowcountry, where everything started for me and my business. But I knew with my rebrand, I also wanted to incorporate more Motherhood, real life as a mompreneur, and the importance of always putting your family first. I also needed a few updated photos to reflect serving creatives as an Online Business Manager and Integrator. I booked an in-home branding session with Shawna Bielet Photography, and she absolutely nailed my vision. Not only do these accurately represent my life and business today, but they are photos I will cherish forever with my first baby who has been mommy’s number 1 assistant always!
Step 5: Building Out Website
Once the “fun part” was over, I had to actually get my website put together with the design elements and website copy. Because I give my absolute all to my clients, this is something I have had minimal time to actually do for myself (even though I do it for other creatives – it’s funny how that works out). I’ve worked closely with Jordan to get everything perfect, so that I could finally launch what I have worked towards for 6 months. A little spot on the internet that represents me, my clients, and the love I have for the creative industry. I seriously couldn’t have done this without her. She has become one of my dearest and closest friends, and I couldn’t imagine navigating life as a Creative CEO without her!
Check out the new website
I am SO excited to finally share my little creative corner on the internet, 🎉, and I can’t wait to hear what you think! There is much more to come, and I’m thankful for everyone that’s been here with me along the way. If you’re new here, I’m so glad you’re here! Send me a message, and let’s be biz besties, too!
From Motherhood, Education for Creatives, to Business Tips, and more … I’m here to give you a transparent, no fluff version of it all!
OH! One more thing…. WE ARE MOVING BACK TO SOUTH CAROLINA! So you can basically say this entire journey has been full circle for me as a creative business owner. I can’t wait to get back to the Lowcountry and reflect on everything I have accomplished in the last 3 years! God is so good, friends. Just be patient, and everything will work out in perfect timing.
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